


The athletics program at Ellis is strategically designed to support student growth outside of the classroom while complementing Ellis’ academic program. 每个季节都有各种各样的运动项目, 通过参与, girls uncover hidden talents and discover physical activities they love. They experience the joy of teamwork, grace in defeat, and the thrill of winning. 运动员还能锻炼体力, 心理韧性, 时间管理技巧, 以及终身受益的减压技巧.
我们的教练是正直和坚韧的冠军, 他们鼓励女孩成为模范的学生运动员. They prepare their teams for the season by challenging them to make it through tough practices that set them up for success in intense competition. 整个季节, coaches will often re-evaluate team and individual goals to support girls as they grow in their athletic abilities. What is most appealing about Ellis’ robust athletics program is the fact that, 作为一所女子学校, 女子队获得分配给体育运动的100%的资源. 

我们的体育设施包括一个草皮运动场, 两个全尺寸的健身房, 两个康乐体育馆, 还有一个举重区,用于健身和力量训练.

校际体育比赛从五年级开始, 学校有近30支曲棍球队, soccer, cross country, basketball, 田径, tennis, swim, lacrosse, and softball. Each team and athlete is fully supported to feel successful and accomplished at the end of the season. From this, Ellis girls develop into fiercely strong athletes who thrive on healthy competition and develop leadership skills that will impact their ability to use their voices and talents to solve complex problems, 与不同群体的人一起工作, 给他们的社区带来积极的变化. The athletic abilities and personal growth skills our student-athletes develop follow them into college and adulthood and serve them for a lifetime.



  • Dr. Reneé Brown-Antonelli is the Athletic Director at 澳门官方老葡京, beginning July 1, 2024.

    renerenee Brown-Antonelli被任命为澳门新葡新京官方体育总监

    Dr. Reneé Brown-Antonelli has accepted the position of Athletic Director at 澳门官方老葡京, 7月1日生效, 2024.
  • 田径主任凯蒂·约翰逊, Genny Kozusko教练, 澳门新葡新京官方虎, the mothers of alumnae Heather HANCHAK Moss '97 and Alexandra CHU '07, 以及校长梅肯·芬利


    Heather HANCHAK Moss ‘97 and Alexandra CHU '07 have been inducted into the Ellis Athletic Hall of Fame in honor of their athletic achievements during their time at Ellis and beyond.
  • 凯蒂·约翰逊,澳门官方老葡京的下一任体育主任


    Katie Johnson has been named the next Athletic Director of 澳门官方老葡京, 7月1日生效, 2022.
  • 梅根·McNabb signs her National Letter of Intent alongside her parents and Director of 大学咨询 Keith Bryner


    梅根·McNabb, 2022届毕业生, will go from Tiger to Griffin when she joins the Division II Cross Country and Track and Field teams at Seton Hill University this fall. Meghan, who plans to enroll in Seton Hill’s 5-year Integrated Master’s program for Nutrition and Dietetics, signed her National Letter of Intent and celebrated her commitment on campus alongside her classmates and fellow Upper School community members.

Our Teams



In 2014, Ellis celebrated the grand opening of our new state-of-the-art turf field. Our new 72,600平方英尺的场地是足球场, field hockey, and lacrosse, 看起来和摸起来都像天然草. The mix of turf and sand at Ellis was specifically chosen to minimize injury risk to young athletes. 这个场地是学校引以为豪的地方, 不仅仅是为了我们的运动员, 而是为了我们社区的每一个成员. Though sports are not required, 70% of Ellis Middle and Upper School students play a team sport. This is much higher than the national average of 40% for girls (Women’s Sports Foundation).


Ellis athletes train under the supervision of certified athletic trainers from UPMC Sports Medicine. Our trainers assist with conditioning and injury management and oversee every game. They are nationally certified both on the state level and by the National Athletic Trainers Association Board of Certification. Our UPMC Sports Medicine team provides onsite medical care and rehabilitation programs for all Ellis athletic teams. They also offer on-campus concussion baseline testing by season and grade level. Uniform and safety equipment lists are detailed on the MyEllis intranet site. Every sports season begins with a “Meet the Coach session” where coaches provide detailed information about practice and games and set the tone for an exciting season.



  • 约翰·奥尔布赖特摄

    Mr. John Albright 

  • Luke Badaczewski的照片

    Mr. Luke Badaczewski 

  • Amanda Banachoski的照片

    Ms. Amanda  Banachoski 

    US Health/PE; Varsity Soccer Head Coach; MS Varsity Basketball Coach; Varsity Lacrosse Asst Coach
  • 道格·布鲁克斯照片

    Mr. Doug Brooks 

  • Keith Bryner的照片

    Mr. Keith Bryner 

  • Danae Burgwin的照片

    Ms. Danae  Burgwin 

    Track & 现场总教练
  • Nyjah Cephas照片

    Ms. Nyjah Cephas 

  • 米歇尔·库克摄

    Ms. Michelle Cook 

  • Laura Fonzi摄

    Ms. Laura Fonzi 

  • 约翰·格兰特摄

    John Gallant 

  • 凯莉·格雷根的照片

    Mrs. Kylie Cregan 

    Lower School Physical Education Teacher, 中学 Soccer Head Coach, Softball Head Coach
  • 内森·艾弗森摄

    Mr. Nathan Iverson 

  • 布里安·凯利摄

    Ms. Brianne Kelly 

    中学 Physical Education Teacher, 中学 Varsity Basketball & 曲棍球教练
  • Daniel LaGamba的照片

    Mr. Daniel LaGamba  



  • Ben Love照片

    Mr. Ben Love 

  • 肯德拉·麦克布罗姆摄

    Ms. Kendra McBroom 

  • 蒂芙尼·麦克道尔摄

    Ms. Tiffany McDowell 

  • Alexx Miller摄

    Ms. Alexx Miller 

  • 扎克·摩尔摄

    Mr.  Zach Moore 

    助理跟踪 & Field Coach
  • Mark Rauterkus的照片

    Mr. Mark Rauterkus 

  • Michelle Rust照片

    Ms. Michelle Rust 

  • 莎拉·斯特劳德的照片

    Ms. Sara Stroud 

  • 安妮特拉·泰勒摄

    Annetra Taylor 

  • Dori Tompa的照片

    Ms. Dori Tompa 

  • 亚历山德拉·沃伦摄

    Miss Alexzandra Warren 

  • 达伦·威尔逊摄

    Mr. Darren Wilson 

  • 吴文迪摄

    Ms. Wendy Wu 


Katie Johnson


At Ellis, we believe in and value the important role that athletics plays in the development of students. We provide the unique opportunity for our students to be able to participate in athletics teams beginning in grade five. 我和我的员工都致力于建模和教学诚信, compassion, 以及场上场下的尊重, 在我们的社区里. 

Our goal is to have our athletics program excel and to have our student-athletes be known for displaying sportsmanship while competing to the best of their abilities and achieving academic excellence in the classroom. The athletics department at Ellis is here to serve our student-athletes by developing skills of confidence, commitment, 时间管理, 和弹性,同时最大限度地发挥他们的潜力. 

We hope your student will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in athletics while receiving a rigorous and outstanding education at 澳门官方老葡京. If there are any questions about our athletic program and how to get involved, please contact me. Go Tigers!